Wow, we've been sick! I missed most of this week at work, and Tula got better then sick again. In between, husband was sick. He makes really gross noises when he's sick. Is that a guy thing?
These pics are from earlier in the week, the only day I was up for taking shots of Em's outfit. Again, it's a Yen-me-down: eggplant skirt worn by Emma as a dress, belted. She wears her Tom's shoes more than any other pair. They really need to make a winter boot! Tula joined her in some pics since she had kind of an eggplant thing going on, too.
On the day of this outfit, it was a sudden, weird 75 degrees out. Now, a few days later, it's in the 40s and I think it snowed a little overnight. That's what my weatherdude said, but there's nothing on the ground to prove it. By the way, I want to be a weatherchick. Doesn't it seem like a cool job? Also a CSI, but only if I can work with Warrick (before he died, obviously ;)