Tuesday, October 19, 2010

warm and cool

I always thought of fall in terms of snuggly sweaters. Emma's changing all that with her skinny-clothes style. I would never have been able to pull it off when I was her age. I had no self-awareness. I had tons of self-consciousness, though. That's one thing I notice about teenagers these days: they are so much more self-aware then I used to be. They seem so self-possessed. Maybe they just hide it better? They certainly are more comfortable talking to adults than I ever was, or even my friends, if I remember correctly. There's just so much more...swagger involved in being a teen today. Their confidence is unsettling and impressive all at once. Emma never misses a beat and just seem to comfortable in her own skin. I'm STILL NOT comfortable in my own skin! She's magic to me.


  1. I think most of the adults (us) are cooler than they used to be. They (we) try to make the kids more comfortable than most adults every made me.

    I should get Tim some skinny clothes.

  2. interesting perspective--totally didnt think of it that way!
