Friday, October 29, 2010


Wow, we've been sick! I missed most of this week at work, and Tula got better then sick again. In between, husband was sick. He makes really gross noises when he's sick. Is that a guy thing?
These pics are from earlier in the week, the only day I was up for taking shots of Em's outfit. Again, it's a Yen-me-down: eggplant skirt worn by Emma as a dress, belted. She wears her Tom's shoes more than any other pair. They really need to make a winter boot! Tula joined her in some pics since she had kind of an eggplant thing going on, too.
On the day of this outfit, it was a sudden, weird 75 degrees out. Now, a few days later, it's in the 40s and I think it snowed a little overnight. That's what my weatherdude said, but there's nothing on the ground to prove it. By the way, I want to be a weatherchick. Doesn't it seem like a cool job? Also a CSI, but only if I can work with Warrick (before he died, obviously ;)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


Sometimes it takes 4 people to do a kids' puzzle. In this case, Tula (owner of said puzzle), sister Emma, my friend Ken (also known as Officer Kleinfelder), and Emma's friend Brandon. The puzzle was finally finished later that night...
Oh, and my bff Stacey stopped by and ended up with a kitten on her shoulder. Welcome to my dorky life.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Academic Sweater and LBD

Again, Yen saves the day! Emma has worn her Yen-me-downs every single day since receiving them. Today, she juxtaposed an professor-style sweater with a ruffled little black dress. Leggings were necessary today, as we are in the 50s these days...feeling little tastes of winter as the temps drop at night. She's been playing around with her new clothes: before she settled on today's LBD outfit, she put a longish skirt on, pulled it up above her chest and belted it. I'm sure she's got that in her mind's style queue for later this week...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

warm and cool

I always thought of fall in terms of snuggly sweaters. Emma's changing all that with her skinny-clothes style. I would never have been able to pull it off when I was her age. I had no self-awareness. I had tons of self-consciousness, though. That's one thing I notice about teenagers these days: they are so much more self-aware then I used to be. They seem so self-possessed. Maybe they just hide it better? They certainly are more comfortable talking to adults than I ever was, or even my friends, if I remember correctly. There's just so much more...swagger involved in being a teen today. Their confidence is unsettling and impressive all at once. Emma never misses a beat and just seem to comfortable in her own skin. I'm STILL NOT comfortable in my own skin! She's magic to me.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

So, it's Saturday. And it's gorgeous outside. And I'm selling my house. I love my house, but I want one in the next town over. If we sell this for the right amount, we can buy one flat out. No mortgage. We just signed a contract to sell and we know which house we want to buy. I'm a little sad because I love what I've done with this house, but I'm excited to have a go at the new house. I thrive on change and I'm a little ADHD, so this is totally something I love to do: create new environments for myself and my family.
So here's Emma in her cazh weekend (Yen) outfit. So cute and a great unexpected shirt/shirt combo.
In other news, Dunkirk High School lost to Fredonia High School in last nights' big rivalry football game. I didnt go, but Emma did. I would've gone if it were in DK, but it was in Fred. I never liked going to the games when I was in high school, but then again, our team sucked and no one really went.
Emma tells me it's a social hangout, she doesnt really watch the game. She has great fun, though. Cute.
Truthfully, my game is baseball, so let me throw this one out at you: GO YANKEES!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Yen Again!

Another outfit from the other coast :)(:
The only thing that saves a dreary rainy day, in my opinion, is a new outfit. Okay, maybe a Pumpkin Spice Latte, too.
I have no idea why Emma wore her Toms today, knowing it was going to be cruddy out. One suffers for fashion, methinks, eh?
I do love the monochromatica of the ensemble, though. Matches the weather today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

West Coast Meets East Coast

My FB friend, Yen, sent three boxes (!!!) of clothes to Emma. Fashion recycling rox! Emma is like, well, totally in heaven. For sure. Her first outfit revolved around one of Yen's adorable plaid flannel skirts. Emma added my old leggings, a black tee, and her beloved Uggs. Voila! Fall perfection! Thanks Yen!!!

Color Me Khaki


Monday, October 11, 2010

I revolve outfits around shoes. In this case, my Doc Martens ebay SCORE! I paid around 15 for these purple sweeties, including shipping. I apologize for the fact that we took the pics in the kitchen. Kind of a rushed morning.